Ultimate and Nocturnalism
Lots of entries recently. A lot of interesting things have been happening, though. This is a two-subject entry, so I'll try to be brief.
Tonight was frisbee, from 10:00 to 11:00 in the dark. Only eight people showed tonight, so we had a nice game of four on four ultimate. And believe me, it was quite fitting it's name! Devon, who is (I think) the most experienced person who was there tonight, said that he couldn't remember playing such an intense game with that many players. I had a few awesome plays, and I think I did pretty well on defense for someone who hasn't played more than a few times since November. It made me happy.
On another note, Aaron is trying an interesting experiment. I'd try the same thing, except I like talking to people during the day. You see, Aaron has been staying up later and later recently (I was too, for the past week), and he realized that he gets much more work done late in the night, because nobody is up to distract him. So, he's going to try being nocturnal for a little while, and see how it works for him. This has a few downsides, like not being able to get dinner at the Cog, and having to set our dorm aside mostly as a sleeping chamber, but it ought to be interesting. I'll tell you how it goes.