azureabstraction > out of the blue

Gargantuan Bagels!

On another note besides my crazy last post, something amusing happened this morning. I had just stayed up until 3 reading Lit, and then I woke up about an hour before my 8:00 class, for some reason. So, I got three hours of sleep. (I suppose you could have done the math, but the idea of journals isn't to think, right?) Having very little sleep often does very interesting things to my mind. So, I'm walking back from Physics, and I go through the outside doors into Crosby. The first thing that greets my sleep-befuddled eyes is a guy holding a bagel, walking towards the doors. For some reason, my mind understands that the guy is about 3 feet from me, but fails to realize that his food is attached to him; it manages to assume that the bagel is somewhere around 10 or 15 feet away. This caused me to see, for a fleeting instant, a bagel about the size of a basketball. That quickly changed from confusing me to amusing me in about half a second. It was quite fun.

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