azureabstraction > out of the blue

Godly McCain

First watch this video that Aaron Brown posted:

Apparently John McCain has some really strange brain-thoughts. Or spatters. Or fizzlings.

He thinks that America is the political manifestation of Christ's teachings. Does anyone else find that hard to swallow? Especially Christians, I would think.

Why does he think that his faith is "of better spiritual guidance" than (I presume) the other candidates? Just because he's a God-fearing Republican? Or is that merely a demonstration of his personal hubris?

I really wonder what's going on in the back of his head when he talks about the immigrants. Perhaps it's just my bias, but it feels like he wants to demand that they convert to Christianity, which is obviously superior.

Worst of all, he claims that the number-one issue is the candidate's commitment to the Judeo-Christian tradition. I should hope that their ability to weigh the advice of experts and make rational decisions concerning the future of the country is a little higher on most candidate's lists.

At least Obama stands for something. McCain wants to be president because he thinks he's godly. And I'm not sure whether he means "god-fearing" or "god-like".

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