My Own Medicine
One: Recently, I said to Arwen in an e-mail that her entries needn't all be pristine masterpieces of wit and erudition, that we would enjoy some quick random posts, too. True to form, she took my comment and ran with it.
Two: I have occasionally pestered Aaron to post more often in his journal. A few times in the past he has written amazing entries based on such prompts, which made me happy. Now he has two blogs, both of which are updated more frequently than mine.
This makes me feel vaguely hypocritical, seeing as I haven't updated my own blog in two full weeks. So here goes. I'm going to try to update at most once every two days with little randomnesses. This may actually result in richer posts cropping up more often than once every two weeks, due to the journal being on my mind. I hope you appreciate it.