azureabstraction > out of the blue

I am here

I didn't get a chance to get online in London (besides a quick, two minute e-mail to my parents and to Sarah saying that I'd made it that far at least), and it took a while to get internet access here at the University of East Anglia. But never fear, I am here, and I have internet access. Finally.

London was great, but more about that later.

I'll be settling in over the next few days, at least in the very cursory have-bedding-and-groceries way. It'll probably take a few months to really settle into British culture. I'm paranoid about talking too loud, queueing improperly, and being absolutely ignorant of the procedures and etiquette here at the school.

I'm entirely unsure of how my day-to-day schedule will settle out in the end, so I can't tell you when to expect me. However, for the moment I'll try to be online sometime in your afternoon PST (10pm – 2am GMT) on most days. Supposedly, British students tend to be social in the evenings and work during the day, so I may end up changing that depending on how the people I meet here function.

This is Chris Sullins, your personal British correspondent, signing off.

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