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Charles Stross tour

Charles Stross, author of Accelerando and Glasshouse, is one of the most interesting people writing science fiction today. If you are familiar with and interested in concepts such as the singularity, post-humans, AI and economics 2.0, you should read Charles Stross. He is going on a book signing tour in the NW of the United States. This means Seattle and Portland (and apparently San Francisco). He has a reading and signing at Powell's City of Books downtown on October 11 at 7:30 pm. I would go if I weren't in Spokane. Unfortunately, I am. So I will miss out on it. But that's no reason those of you who are still in Portland can't attend and taunt me with your proximity to one of my favorite writers.

Charles Stross's blog entry about the tour:

One Response to “Charles Stross tour”

  1. Guinevere Says:

    I want a pretty layout website like you have. ;P

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