Ubi Revera grade Irony
Earlier today Aaron and I drove to the store to pick up hamburger makings. We drove in his dad's old car, which he has had forever, claiming that he was going to "drive it into the ground." So far, Aaron's dad has done a good job of it, because it's falling apart so much that it would be absurd to worry about theft. So, we left it's dangling wires and broken paneling in the parking lot at Safeway, joking about how silly it was to lock the doors, because nobody in their right mind would want to steal it.
cut to six hours later
Aaron and I arrive at my house, and decide to go in to talk for a while (which will end up being almost four hours). We continue our joking of earlier and lock the doors "just to be funny." Then we go in to my house and forget about it.
cut to four hours later
Aaron can't find his keys. We go out to the car and peer into the window with a flashlight, and what do you know? There are the keys sitting in the ignition. Aaron rarely locks the car door at my house, but this time he did, and it's the one time he's forgotten the keys in the ignition. Can you say Irony?
Anyway, we eventually use a coat hanger, a screwdriver, and a pair of plyers to unlatch the door and retrieve his keys. A shaking of heads at the irony, and Aaron drives off into the night.