azureabstraction > out of the blue

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I've been finding it hard to concentrate and do work all day. Ever since Elana came (the day before she came, actually), I don't think I've done a bit of work besides a little bit of reading in Literature this morning. I don't know what's gotten into me, but I've tried to do a few things today, and none of them has been focus-able on. I hope that tomorrow I will be able to prepare adequately for the Calculus quiz that happens later, and also for the Religion quiz that I have to do. Then, I can focus on the other stuff that is trying to kill me. Literature, again, is going to kill me with journals, even though I've got a different teacher than last semester! It's horrible. It's pretty much the same assignment, but I think Dr. Fowler expects more organization, and that scares me. Journals are supposed to be stream-of-consciousness, free-association, thoughtful things. But I have never been able to make anything of Dr. Fowler. I don't really understand her. And I REALLY don't understand what she wants us to do; she may expect more work than Dr. Marshall, which is impressive. I enjoyed his class more, too, I think. Anyway, I hope to be able to do some work tomorrow after getting a decent night's sleep tonight.

See all of you later.

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