azureabstraction > out of the blue


So, I haven't said much this month. You probably don't know what's going on with me, unless of course you happen to talk to me every once in a while, or even if you're lucky enough to have done things with me. Hmmm….

Last weekend, I went with Cami, Paul, Rusty and my dad to meet up with Becky and Aaron in the Columbia Gorge. There, in the 110 degree heat (which was dryer and therefore more comfortable than Beaverton's 106 degree heat) we waited for the day to cool and shift into night for some star-gazing. Luckily we had a handy source of coolness nearby in the form of a gigantic river which was nice and swimmable. So we spent a good deal of time in the water, and also a good deal of time under the only two trees in the area.

When night came, we looked through my dad's telescope at galaxies and nebulae and fun stuff like that, and for the rest of the time laid on blankets down near the water. Around 2 o' clock, we crammed all six of us into Rusty's tent (my dad slept in the camper), and most people slept. I say most because I happen to not sleep well in circumstances I'm not used to. If we had spent a few nights out there, I would have gotten used to it by the end, but as it was I ended up staying awake until 7, when I finally got about two hours of sleep. The next day we packed up after breakfast and some swimming, and went home.

My family went on a trip the day after that, to Fort Stevens, where I read most of the time. I did manage to get some good pictures that I'll upload eventually. It wasn't nearly as interesting as the star party. The nicest thing about it was the temperature: I was able to wear a jacket in the late mornings and be entirely comfortable.

The most exciting single thing that has happened in the past month was the Crosby Stills Nash and Young concert that my family went to. I'll have to make a separate post about that, though.

Finally, Sarah is back in town. That, overall, is more exciting than CSNY, but less notable. She'll be coming with us on our camping trip to the Olympic Peninsula and Victoria, British Columbia. The Olympic Mountains are one of the places that I've wanted to explore for a long time, from the Hoh Rainforest on the coast (one of the only temperate rainforests in the world) to the high mountains around Hurricane Ridge. And Victoria has a lot of style, even without mentioning Murchie's, a wonderful tea company.

There, that should satisfy your smurf-curiosity for a while.

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