azureabstraction > out of the blue

Art Offering – Aya's fat cat

And the second art offering piece. Aya's request of an arrogant and fat cat. I hope I managed to pull off the subject well, because I'm not so used to painting living things. It's difficult. But I used a bunch of references to give me some direction, so it should be okay. I like cats. Maybe now I'll be able to draw them better in the future.

digital painting of an arrogant fat cat

(See a larger version by following the link.)


  • Andrea Crow – doodle of "The Cat and the Fiddle"
  • Jenny Sullins – a pretty sunflower, or a swallow midflight, with the right colors
  • Cami Wendlandt – a lighthouse shining over the ocean at night
  • Sarah Redd – a flying purple llama
  • Ann Foreyt – draw anything, but at the park (view)
  • Soren Laulainen – something Fugue-related, or Rock Lake
  • Paul Moore – a forest-dwelling ascetic being given an ice cream cone
  • Aya – a picture of a very fat cat looking arrogant (view)
  • Lila – something cute
  • Laila – a Rusty

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