azureabstraction > out of the blue

Arboreal Singing

I had a wonderful day yesterday. Sarah is leaving tonight for her shrimp-studying adventure in Puerto Rico, and I wanted to get together before she flew out. Luckily for me, both of our families were going downtown for the Rose Parade, so I met up with her there. After watching all the marching bands and crazy floats go past, we decided to go to the Saturday Market for some food. Then, when our gyro was gone, we wandered around the riverfront until we got bored and went back into the city. I think the highlight of the day was sitting in a tree for about an hour and a half singing loudly at passers-by. I don't think I've been in a tree for so long before. After that was over, we went to a pasta restaurant for dinner, and they sang me an Italian happy birthday in an operatic style. Then I was given a gigantic chocolate birthday cake with a candle to blow out. I left satisfied and very full, whereupon we boarded the Max to go home. A most excellent day.

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