azureabstraction > out of the blue

Art Offering

The first ten people to comment here (noting that they're making a request) will get artistic doodling done by me. You can specify the subject, theme, guidelines, whatever you like, but I reserve the right to simplify your requirements. Of course, like Danko said, the requests are limited by my artistic ability. But I'll try to come close to what you want me to draw. I'll require a bit of time for each request, so you may not get your drawings right away. Finally, it'll not be first-come, first-served, but it'll depend on what I feel like drawing.

(You don't have to specify what you want right away, but if you do it's more likely that I'll get to you first. If you fail to make it clear, I'll be sure to follow up and ask you what you want.)

This is, of course, limited to people I know.

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