azureabstraction > out of the blue

Lovely Summer Days (sort of)

That was wonderful. After being a bit irrational and stressed about making things work to go to Everett, I took a break from thinking, and just enjoyed myself. I brought a book into the family room and made a fresh strawberry milkshake (my second today). That wasn't nearly enough to satisfy, so after making a nice long playlist of a bunch of awesome songs (about two and a half hours). After polishing off my drink, I made some tea to contrast the milkshake, and curled up in a blanket on a large soft chair in the family room. Sitting there was close to perfection, with the music playing, every once in a while catching my attention and pulling me gently out of the story-world to smile at a familiar melody, my every emotion heightened by the delightful mixture of pleasures. The sounds of the music mixed with the words, overlaying, and pulling my attention this way and that. Eventually, my tea dwindled to a couple drinks in the bottom, and still later the last of the stragglers on my playlist wandered away. Just as the strains of Rocket Man faded from the room I reached the end of a chapter and closed the book slowly, realizing that it was the last song. The timing was perfect. It's now time for a shower, and then sleep. This just makes my day.

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